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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  August 30, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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afternooity of do i a.m suin incredible peopletime here, si ney as she t >> where are you, sally-an conversations. anything if we didn't tell you. erback to new york ♪are.en some of t while.ode h. leave. confirmed her fears ♪ before. you, at home, that you have to be caref ahead? you can eeo.le we're joined by our faheading i" m, as we get our eveningwear >> the first part when you get for for another this is un ♪ her husband held in the ho thing. after that, thsc becauseto r more we're back in a bit with i want to weutiv e ownersboxes you ca and ds away.ies ho it's allave ne sawye g[zyou. particulark to womenabout auild on thi hearte not crying it'st.lot. family. morern, justey planneds, by charles street and another one you have? issippi, lseptember ea.sic cotht speconm in, ori'm takiok her >> robin, it is ainy and evy ven. f frietiperience, al.and thank ets good morning, america. we l. a chance to rebuild your air every day. w orleans. ings to raise mo ♪ he tod isaac's fury. . an and thl in my more than two feet of relentless love you throu ur bracelets of support for you.wer we w marrow. st. lolk to you ng heart. rain and howling winds pounding i love you. wethey're i'm going thmmer we n- gtime.ure topping off at >> oh. the gulf coast. us. that's the greatest gift. thousands evacuated. life, love, pos. things in syst u the greatest gift, e >> and we ar almost 1 million without power. new orleans this mornix5 specdance.wanted to get yothere now, new fears the mighty and original weather w thank you veryu carry >> and ve mississippi will overflow. e an sam leads our extreme weather i.v. put in. people can'te live team coverage. afternoon. pos. things in bu tornadoes touch down across there's baggy sh. i eutiv the gulf coast. people battered by the hurricane what is bone marrow? and scared to l.remea, bone marrow is the factoryggt i and flash flooding racing to heann's have to findin ssages for escape. and overnight, neighbors helping the shooting. wrap, wrap neighbors. rescues happening right now. a way. >> you're so lhialread you aoi . it can be damaged emherapy that [ sally umlaut ] european isover there.agis hear their dramatic stories. something totally different. nah. it's basically one language with a few variations. it things we don't ryan's roar. >> the fst >> tersonaliing to be raity of my cousin has a passport. uh-huh. an rs and all the vice presidential candidate electrifies the gop with an but yo third famt's my st onjus. frut up. means "fruit up." as in creamy yogurt down below. attack on the president. ave put to >> what is missing is leadership in the white house. and a delectable, aromatic layer of blended fruity, moussey, so, god blput together>> indeed uppiness on top. and an emotional appeal to frut up. as the europeans say. in their language. wow. you really are bilingual. voters. why he says his generation can yeah, i dated a comma in high school. change america. me announcer ] muller.really are the european for yummy.
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♪ hold on and robin's journey. our friend opens up about the battle of the road ahead. her sister, side-by-side, as a perfect match. why she's stronger than ever. and her special message to all of us this morning. we have a very special for. and we do come on and say good morning, america. a thankful thursday. we invite you to keep along and a.k.a. friday eve, as i like to stay happy every step of the say. way. isaac packing a big punch right now. i want to go back down to tampa. and in new orleans, thank goodness, the levees are george, you are missed, my holding. the biggest problems for the frienda gift for you and a city right now, downed power lines and trees. and it was also quite a night in message, as well. tampa last night, george, right? geor >> i wish i were there, jo. >> it sure was, robin. wingman right now. give robin the gift. right now in tampa, isaac's still on everyone's mind. >> oh. you look behind me on the stage, >> i lov above the stage right now, that i love the box.ook at that. red cross message. >> you have to open it.
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support for the relief effort. they're also rebuilding the >> ding. >> that's a special bell we use, stage, tonight, for mitt romney. of course, it's his big night when anybody has a zingeng, thi. we know you will be watching at today. a lot of delegates here hoping home. he can open up and show the country his heart. ring that en and i have to say, a big part of my heart is out there with you ns a little more than e it.ea this morning because i know you have important news you want to that, too. share with everyone. >> george, i so wish you were what it really means, robin,wha here. but i know you're supposed to where you were supposed to be. know that we'll be there. >> well, i just want to say,com. i was hoping to wait until tomorrow. but this morning will be my last show for a while until i begin my treatment next week. i'm happy to move up my schedule ou all.ntain high enough." to go home to be with my ailing mother and family in the >> that's my song. hurricane zone. next week i'll start my just -- set.>> you remembere treatments for the bone marrow yes. >> i just want to say, to transplant. we'll talk about that a little later. i was hoping when i came out, i sally-ann, and to your could do one more drumroll. so much to talk about before all sayi, is my of that. song. >> we'll get to all of that. >> no worries. >> i'm through with the tears,d. we want to get, right now, to the latest on isaac. our extreme weather team on the you're very dear and very front lines. and our sam champion, leading h specamily, diane. were giving us gr those hard-hit communities in
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because we're crying. plaquemines parish, louisiana. sam, good morning to you. we're not crying tears o becaus >> good morning, josh. and of course, it's been a rough could take it hen i arrived, 36 hours for everyone with a drenching downpour, pretty you have been my friend and my katie couric.they constant. but what may have been the worst it's time for all of us to be damagemaker was the storm surge, rgas, with you. >> tha a casteverybody, wanting to pit. we're going to be there every, that wall, that 10-foot to single day. there's more. 12-foot wall of water that blew this is pretty amaziwe re. stay tuned because you 00right by here. these rocks were clear before >> tt heof the storm. now, look at the debris line. nd dern family," will coily. lavernirley.that job will by so this tree is about three feet in >> tears of joy and gratitude. diameter and eight feet off the >> h also and is there for you every day of >> oprow.pyo be here withft.ells top. that storm surge blew 150 miles your life. up the mississippi river. these are matching p.j.s for yo. far enough and powerful enough id, just to let >> that's gr to change the direction the >> we hope you guys mississippi river was flowing for 24 hours. collar for a co the add to that, the heavy rain. and that's unbelievable flooding. massive in size. more than 500 miles wide. isaac has dumped almost two feet of rain on parts of louisiana and mississippi. combining with a 10-foot to 12-foot storm surge, causing expensive flooding. new orleans $14 billion federal
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levee system so far has withstood the test. but rural areas outside were swamped. have you ever seen the water up to this level in this area? >> it wasn't this bad for katrina. not here. it's got bad. but not this high. >> reporter: in the past 24 hours, the national guard has rescued hundreds and brought aid to thousands needing to be evacuated. >> we had to break through the ceiling and come through the attic. and they took us out of the attic into the boat. >> reporter: on the other side of the flood wall is plaquemines parish. >> it's horrible. everybody's house is gone. nobody got a house. braithwaite. nody. >> reporter: this is the levee where it went over top. that piece of machinery is on top of what would be the levee that runs all the way down the line. to give you an idea of how much water is there, take a look at the stop sign. you can just see it peeking out of the top of the water. this father and son watched 12 on ♪s throoblems in downtown e e feet of rising water swallow
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their home in a matter of minutes. they jumped into their fishing boat and spent hours rescuing their trapped neighbors. >> we rescued about ten individuals when i was there, including a baby. a 70-year-old man. we had to break through the attic ventilation system. >> we rescued a lot of people. saw a lot of things i never thought i'd see. >> reporter: and unbelievable that the path of this storm will continue up the middle of the country. we think it will be, what's left of it, the center of it, in ohio by the time we get to monday. by the flooding problems are not done in this part of the country. overnight, water rescues all night long. matt gutman is in la place, just around the corner from us. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, sam. massive evacuation effort is under foot here. over the past several hours,
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1,500 people have been evacuated from this flooded area here. massive evacuation effort is still under foot. 1,500 people being evacuated. they've been brought here. but the scariest part is there's 1,500 other people, the national guard, the sheriffs are trying to extricate out of there. the water coming up much faster, much higher than many expected. this morning, more than 1,500 people pulled from their homes. more than 1,000 waiting for scue, as flash floods roared into la place. the governor sending national guardsmen, sheriff's deputies, scores of boats and buses. as it did for many year, the water took this family by surprise. >> we had maybe three feet of water inside. >> it was crazy. >> we are waiting to find out if they have found the dog. >> reporter: huddled and wet, they fled for shelter. >> it's been a long wait. >> reporter: taking only the things they could carry,
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including beloved pets. a fleet of dozens of buses waiting to carry evacuees to safety. command posts thrown up overnight to handle the local disaster. locals calling this, their own little katrina. >> katrina wasn't nowhere near this. the water has nowhere to go. >> reporter: rescuers slogging through the night, going house-to-house. and local residents riding in flat-bottom boats in the stinging rain, helping stranded neighbors. now, a lot of folks that we saw here came with nothing with them. they came in barefoot. they didn't have time to gather everything they needed. most people chose to take their pets with them. robin? >> all right, matt. thank you very much. now, to where i'll be headed later today, mississippi. so many people there also battling severe flooding and now tornados. and abc's ginger zee joins us, now, from gulfport, mississippi. good morning, ginger. >> reporter: good morning,
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robin. seriously, this is crazy. you're seeing a truck come through. some vehicles still allowed to come on highway 90. other than that, just some emergency vehicles. this has been it. constant rain. storm surge so big, 10 to 15 inches at the base here. and on top of it, tornadoes. this coastline has really taken a beating. the force of isaac. an apparent tornado spawned by the storm. this house being built in gulfport, ripped from its foundation. seven tornadoes have been reported across mississippi and alabama. the people here, suffering not only through wind and rain, but a peppering of tornado warnings. what the wind didn't blow over, the waters kept inundated. flash flooding caused up to 25 inches of rain. this morning, highway 90 remains shut down. parts of the main thoroughfare through much of the area, now submerged.
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about 30,000 customers are without power in gulfport alone. over 700,000 are without power across all the gulf states. ten miles west of gulfport, in pass christian, roads closed everywhere. too much rain. the rain here in pass christian is absolutely relentless. you see a mailbox there, almost covered already. and in biloxi, more powerful winds. eventually things will dry out here, eventually. and when that happens, people say they're worried about the raw sewage that's come up. and of course, all of the mold. robin? >> still, so many concerns, ginger. thanks so much. let's get down to george in tampa. george? >> thank you, robin. as we said earlier, isaac still on everyone's thoughts down here. you see that message up there on the stage right now. as they build the stage for mitt romney. boy, last night. last night it was all about paul ryan. he rocked this house, setting
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the stage for mitt romney and a surprise guest tonight. it's "your voice, your vote." david muir is down on the convention floor with last night's highlights. hey, david. >> reporter: hey, george. we were together last night. and this convention hall was electrified when paul ryan came on the stage last night. introducing him to a national audience. and introducing tough talk, welcoming that role of a vice presidential candidate. on the attack. after four years of the runaround, it's time for a turnaround. paul ryan, the first v.p. candidate in the post baby-boom generation, just 42 years old, spoke of the next generation. >> i expect the calling of our generation, to give the america our parents gave to us. >> reporter: next, a message to the president. >> we have suffered no shortage of words in the white house. what is missing is leadership in the white house. >> reporter: arguing, it's the other side going negative, to hold on to power. >> with all their attack ads,
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the president is just throwing away money. and he's pretty experienced at that. >> reporter: ryan promised, in his words, to repeal obama care. and says if the president wants to debate over medicare, bring it on. ryan became physically emotional, when he spoke of his mom, betty, sitting in the audience with ryan's wife, and three children. at one point, his son struggling to stay awake. and he spoke of the father he lost at 16 to a heart attack. he talked about the young people with the posters, celebrating hope and change four years ago. >> college graduates should not have to live out their 20s in their childhood bedrooms. staring up at faded obama posters. wondering when they can get up and get going with life. >> reporter: and to a return to the political stage, former secretary of state condoleezza rice, welcomed back by a roaring crowd. >> we do not have a choice. we cannot be reluctant to lead. and you cannot lead from behind. >> reporter: she spoke of her own childhood, of her parents,
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who taught her to dream. >> they have her absolutely convinced that even if she can't have a hamburger at the woolworth's lunch counter, she could be president of the united states, as she wants to be. and she becomes secretary of state. >> reporter: condoleezza rice back on the political stage. but it was paul ryan teeing up mitt romney. there were a lot of attacks, a lot of promises in that speech he gave. the obama team taking aim with the battle lines drawn. you see over my shoulder, they're getting the stage ready for mitt romney tonight, who will make his case to the nation. and george, you and i will be back later. let's talk to the former florida governor. jeb bush joins us here. good to see you, governor. >> good morning, george. >> paul ryan electrified the crowd last night. inspired choice. it immediately allowed the republicans to go offense. now, the conversation is about the $700 billion-plus, over ten years, that's used to finance the -- >> talk about that. those cuts are included in paul ryan's budget.
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>> but not to expand entitlement. to protect the trust fund over the long haul. obama care, you're double-counting. he's claiming credit for making it he demise of medicare. that's a good conversation to ha h true if you count the cuts. but that accelerates the demise of medicare. that's a good conversation to have here in florida and across the country. >> democrats say he re instti. and you know, that's a good argument to have for democrats, if they want to take money away from people consistently. it will create this cloud of uncertainty that allows us to have no economic growth, no hope, no optimism. and i think paul ryan and mitt romney have a compelling case that's better. >> you know, paul ryan last night really laid out a conservative philosophy, as well. you said in a forum here in tampa, this conservative well. you said in a forum here in tampa, this conservative philosophy will prevail if republicans stop acting stupid. what did you mean by that? >> i'm a huge paul ryan fan.
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i believe he's the jack kemp conservative that's hopeful and optimistic. our message needs to be that way. it needs to be aspirational, rather than scolding. and paul ryan is the exact republican i would be advocating it. >> what are republicans doing that's stupid? >> sending a signal about immigrati immigration, that it's only about border control. it's a gateway issue for an emerging voting population in our country, hispanic voters, asian it's a gateway issue for an emerging voting population in our country, hispanicer increasingly diverse. demograp y's becoming increasingly diverse. mitt romn your peril. >> big moment for mitt romney tonight. rick santorum said romney has to reach down and show more of himself than he's ever been willing to do before. is that the right advice?
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>> it's good advice. this is going to be hard for mitt romney. where it matters is connecting with other people's concerns. not like he has to be a new-age kind of guy all of a sudden. he's not going to be that way. >> it's interesting. both your father and your brother, in their big moments, did do that. it's a central point for running for president. >> it connects emotionally. that gives a chance to allow people in. you're allowed in. and you can make your >> governor, it was an emotional moment for your family, i imagine, when they showed that film of your father and your brother and their wives. and it got a great reaction here from the crowd. i know you've said you understand why your brother shouldn't be here, in florida. but is he watching? what did he say to you about the convention? >> i think he's watching. i know he's interested in it. he cares about this country. but his attitude is, i had a chance. i served. i did my best. it's mitt romney's night. it's his turn. i'll do whatever i can to help
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him. and strangely enough, it may be better to stay away to provide the most help. >> you'll be speaking right before your best surprise. who is your guess on who the big surprise guest is? >> i don't know. i don't know. but it's cool that there is a surprise at a convention. hasn't been one of those since 1960. >> it's been a long time. governor, take care. to josh and the news. >> we're going to begin with news affecting your wallet. the biggest increase in gas prices in a year and a half. you can blame in part hurricane isaac. concerns about oil production in the gulf spiked by 5 cents yesterday alone. the biggest price hikes are in the midwest. the national average stands at $3.82 per gallon. and prices are expected to rise through labor day. for the first time, we're hearing this morning from the former navy s.e.a.l. who stormed osama bin laden's compound last year. the former s.e.a.l., using the name mark owen, was disguised with makeup for his safety, during a cbs "60 minutes"
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interview. he denies that his book, "no easy day" is being timed for the election. in the book, he says s.e.a.l.s shot bin laden at his bedroom door. unarmed, by the way, contradicting the white house, which said bin laden was only shot after ducking back into his room and appearing to resist. owen also says a full dress rehearsal was conducted before the mission, with top military leaders watching. >> they walked by. are you guys ready? can you pull this off? and we answered, yes. absolutely. the rehearsal was conducted in a compound built in the u.s. for training. the cdc says this year's outbreak of west nile virus is record breaking. the number of cases exploding by 40% over the last week. nearly 1,600 cases of the mosquito-borne disease have now been reported with 66 deaths. nearly half the cases are in texas. and finally, who among us
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doesn't like a little honey with their bacon in the morning? that's how authorities finally caught this guy. a 400-pound black bear. he's been lurking in neighborhoods in los angeles for weeks now. yesterday, they lured him into a trap. bacon with a little honey, robin. >> gets you every time. bacon, bacon, bacon. >> they got me. i'd be in the trap. >> you would be, wouldn't you? >> breakfast for me. >> breakfast of champions. speaking of champions, let's get down to sam who is in louisiana again this morning. good morning, sam. >> good morning, robin. good morning, josh. if we're looking for any good news out of this system that's been so devastating for this part of louisiana, mississippi, maybe the rainfall delivers a little bit north. let me show you what i'm talking about. we go from drought in parts of the country, and all summer long, maybe more than a year of drought, to getting this moisture up into some of those areas. some of you will be left behind out of this. but look at the beneficial rain that will come fast and furious,
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for places like st. louis, indianapolis, little rock. even dallas getting some of that rain over the next couple of days. mixed news there. good news for the moisture, bad news how it comes. good morning, i'm meteorologist lynette charles and we have some lovely weather on tap for today. lots of sunshine. we will be a little bit warmer. eat that lunch outdoors we'll be coming in right around 83 degrees. nice and dry. mostly sunny by 3:00 p.m. and that temperature by 7:00
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p.m., dry and 83 degrees again, and then as we head into friday we will be much hotter, we'll see the 90s and that will continue into saturday and we have the chance for the remnants of aye sac to move in -- isaac to move into the latter part of the weekend. by jcpenney. we're live in the storm surge zone. robin? josh? >> looks like it's not raining for a change there, sam. >> very nice. a little bit. >> we'll get back to you in a little bit. coming up, a bombshell for "gossip girl" star. dan abrams will be in to weigh in live. it will be a special morning here. robin's last show for a little bit. her doctor and sister are both here to talk about treatment. a special tribute for robin, as she begins her journey. we'll tell you how to be on team robin. and we may have very special and we may have very special e capital one cash rewards card
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and good morning, 64 degrees outside. and some top stories we're working on for you on this thursday, it is sentencing day for george huguely. the former lacrosse player from uva was convicted of killing his ex-girlfriend yeardley love. earlier this year the jury recommended 26 years. huguely was convicted of second degree murder murder and robbery in love's death in 2010.
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that sentencing today those who know huguely have expected to testify. the judge though will have the final say. we're going to have complete coverage for you throughout sentencing today. it's going to happen around 1:00. and as soon as that decision is reached you can find it at and tonight at 5:00 and 6:00. christian schaffer will have live reports from virginia. time now for a check of the forecast with lynette. >> good morning charlie. good morning everyone. check out what's going on in mown airy because we do see plenty of sunshine out there this morning the temperature at 61 degrees. and the hour by hour forecast well by 8:00 it's going to be nice, temperature right around 70 degrees. plenty of sunshine will prevail as we go into lunchtime. try 83 and mostly sunny for a high temperature for today. seven day forecast looks pretty good through saturday and then for clouds appear in sunday as isaac is possible. let's get a check now of the traffic with lauren cook. good morning. good morning lynette. we have a crash right now on 795 right along southbound lanes approaching 695. but fortunately there is some relief for those of you on the beltway. here's what it looks like at
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wilkins avenue inner loop? outer loop traffic moving along just fine. you will see some slow spots though from parkville up towards towson. and if you are traveling in downtown baltimore, this weekend's grand prix has already shut down 395 at mlk and also affect traffic on pratt street and light street for a complete list of all the closures, just go to charlie over to you. remember katie premieres on baltimore in abc2 september 10 at at 4:00. the news at 5:00 and 6:00 immediately follow. time to go back to new york now for more "good morning america." more news, weather and traffic in 25 minutes. it's time to change the way we clean.
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that is "gossip girl" star, kelly rutherford, reeling after a bombshell division in her bitter international custody fight over her kids. a judge ruling they will stay thousands of miles away from her. dan abrams will be here live to weigh in on all that. we say good morning, america, on this friday eve. >> yes. >> george is down at the republican national convention in tampa right now. george? >> that's right. down here for mitt romney's big night tonight. he gives the speech tonight. robin, he's going to make his case to the country for why he should be elected president. this is the make-or-break moment for any presidential candidate. we're going to be covering it all, right here starting 10:00 eastern, on abc. right now, we're all thinking, everyone down here, is thinking of you. >> i never wanted to be by your side more, george, than this
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morning. and diane, as well. i thank you for your thoughts, and all. we're going to get through this morning. it's a very special morning. we'll be thinking of george. and sam along the gulf coast. it is, after all, going to be our friend and colleague, robin's, last show for a while. >> just for a while. >> her doctor here. they're going to explain the treatment for her bone marrow transplant. all of your questions, as many as we can, answered. a special tribute for our dear friend, as she begins her journey. we'll tell you how you can be on team robin. and we understand that there's a gift or two coming. >> this is unchartered territory. we've been talking very open about what's ahead. i had planned to take -- let tomorrow be the last day. and then, some things happened at home. want to take care of that before i begin my treatment next week. i'm just enjoying this last moment with you and you and you and you. and everybody here. >> we're all savoring it. lots ahead. we're going to now get right to "gossip girl" star, kelly
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rutherford, locked in a custody dispute. a judge ordering her kids to stay away. amy robach has that story. >> i'm not going to base my personal life on your preferences. >> reporter: on "gossip girl," she plays an elegant and always-composed mom on new york's ritzy upper east side. but in real life, kelly rutherford is reportedly reeling after a devastating end to a three-year-long custody battle with her ex-husband. on tuesday, a judge ruled that her 3-year-old and 5-year-old children, who were both born in the u.s., must now stay in monaco with their father, daniel giersch, who they've been visiting since late may. rutherford, who lives in los angeles, will have to make the 6,000-mile journey every time she wants to see her kids. >> it's got to break her heart, knowing her kids are living in another country. this is the fight of her life. and she's going to give it
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everything she's got. >> reporter: giersch, a european citizen, is barred from returning to the u.s., after his visa was revoked. rutherford has been fighting for sole custody since their 2009 divorce. and trying to keep their children in this country. but the judge hearing the case said rutherford's schedule is flexible enough to allow her to travel back and forth, to visit her children. >> perhaps her celebrity status hurt her. the judge feels she's the typical hollywood tress mom, who has plenty of money and can basically jump on a plane at will, and visit her children in a foreign country. >> reporter: giersch is not commenting about the case. but his lawyer tells abc news, he is focused on co-parenting the children and continuing to promote any and all contact of the children with kelly. in the meantime, this mother will truly have to go the distance for her children. an appeal to the court's decision is already in process. for "good morning america," amy
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robach, abc news, new york. >> thank you, amy. for more, we're joined, now, by our legal analyst, dan abrams. dan, i can tell you, i have not seen you outraged like this in quite some time. >> you're talking about two american kids, age 5 and 3. effectively being shipped to france. they're there for the summer. but effectively being shipped to france to be there for his father. why? because he got kicked out of the country. now, the mother, kelly rutherford, has to fly to france to see her kids because he got kicked out of this country. no allegation of wrongdoing on her part or his part as parents. simply, i think this judge effectively looked at this case like a travel agent. basically saying, well, you know, it would be easier for her to travel here rather than for him. he can't come to the united states. so -- >> we heard that point made in the piece. you think the judge thinks she can jump on a private plane and be there. >> that's not quite what the judge said.
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but there is a sense that, yes. she'll be able to make it there. she'll be able to work it out. and i don't think that's a fair way to look at this case. one of the things that was talked about in this case is how her job is now changing. "gossip girl" is ending. she may have uncertainty in her life to travel. judge disregarded it. if it was a man, might have been a different story. >> does kelly rut rutherford appe appeal? >> she'll appeal. we'll see how it goes. but i don't see how this judge came to this ruling, where americans are being shipped to france. >> thank you, both. to another case. the latest twist in the drew peterson trial. the former police officer accused of killing his wife. the defense resting without calling him to the stand. but he did get a strong show of support from another key witness, his son. abc's linsey davis has the story. >> reporter: just before the defense rested its case wednesday, drew peterson, the man accused of murdering his third wife, kathleen savio, told
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the judge he wouldn't be taking the witness stand. but his 19-year-old son did. the defense called thomas peterson as its final witness. he was just 11 years old in 2004 when his mother was found dead in her bathtub. i believe that my dad is innocent, he said. and when asked to recall the night peterson told him and his brother their mother had died, thomas told the court his father was very, very shaken up about it. i had never seen anyone so sad. peterson, a former chicago police officer, says the first-degree murder charges against him are bogus. his attorneys say savio drowned in a bathtub after slipping and hitting her head. her death was initially ruled an accident and wasn't reclassified as a homicide until his fourth wife, stacy peterson, disappeared in 2007. >> i don't know. >> reporter: before she vanished, stacy peterson allegedly told a divorce lawyer she believed her husband was guilty of murder. the defense called that lawyer
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to the stand wednesday, hoping he'd establish that her claim was simply made up, in an attempt to extort money from peterson. but their plan backfired. harry smith told the court, she wanted to know if, in my opinion, if the fact that he killed kathy could be used against him in the divorce proceedings. >> three squares. how can i beat that? >> it backfired completely. that will be probably the main thing that leads to his conviction. >> reporter: the defense immediately went into damage-control mode. calling smith a hostile witness and accusing him of perjury. earlier in the week, two doctors testified savio's death was consistent with an accidental death. a stark contrast from a witness for the prosecution last week who said the tub's edges weren't pronounced enough to cause the kind of wounds savio had on her head. this morning, the state has its rebuttal case. closing arguments are expected
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on tuesday. >> linsey, thank you very much. time, now, for the weather. let's get back down to new orleans and sam. sam? >> hey, good morning again, robin. i'm standing along the banks of the mississippi river, by the way, which is running still higher than normal and that amazing storm surge that blew through here. it's light rain, after very heavy rain that blew through. it's not so good for the places where it travels over the next few days. isaac does deliver rain in drought areas. unfortunately, it's carrying that rain in concentrated, heavy form. it's going to mean some flooding and gusty winds. power outages and trees down, in areas that aren't used to tropical systems moving through their neighborhoods. that will push heat east. you're getting warmer temperatures in the 90s. boston, philadelphia, washington, d.c. big difference from the comfortable temperatures. it may be one of the nicest days of the year, yesterday, period.
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>> all that weather was brought to you by petsmart. and a lot of heaviest rain with this system will be running and training through mississippi today. robin, a little fyi for your travels. >> heading down there hopefully later today. not hopefully. we'll get down there. coming up, pippa breaks out. is kate's little sister making a bid to be the next martha stewart? ♪ [ elizabeth ] i like to drink orange juice
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a little pink for you. move over, martha stewart,
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perhaps. move over, you two, please. pippa middleton is making her own bid to show everyone how to entertain. coming out with her own party planning book. it's called "celebrate a year of festivities for family and friends." abc's nick watt has that story. >> reporter: yes. you turn million of heads at the wedding of the century. your derriere garners an international fan base. what do you do next? here's a sneak peek preview at "celebrate," pippa's partying guy. she is a pro. the success of pippa's book will be measured here in the united states of america. this is where british people come to try to cash in on their ridiculous accent and haughty demeanor. will pippa break america. what do you think?
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>> pippa middleton, celebrate. oh, my god. is it a new book? >> reporter: kevin lee is party planner ff "the real housewives of beverly hills." will pippa's simple pleasures fly in l.a.? >> you can't have always a glamorous lifestyle. i love it. >> reporter: that's a thumbs up. next up, p.r. guru. >> i'm surprised it's not one big photograph of her. >> i'm very surprised. i think that's exactly what i would have done. >> reporter: me, too. pippa on the front and on the back. i should be in publishing. >> she does have a cache. she's a beautiful, mysterious, alluring woman. >> reporter: and another thumbs up. and the public? would you buy this book that she's written? "celebrate," by pippa middleton. >> no. >> we love pippa. >> reporter: do you? >> sure. her intellect? and goodness of soul.
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you're from britain? her bum. >> reporter: watch out, martha, here comes pippa. with a rumored $600,000 advance nestled in her back pocket. for "good morning america," nick watt, abc news, los angeles. >> we'll have to wait and see what happens. nice advance there. >> indeed. i mentioned some gifts. coming up today. >> uh-huh. >> stick around for "the play of the day." you're going to like it. >> always a gift. and martina mcbride here, as well. >> going to love it. >> go nowhere. >> yeah, baby. we love you. stay with us. [ male announcer ] if it wasn't for a little thing called the computer,
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7:50 am
here's "the play of the day." >> a very special -- a special bo-fer for "the play of the day," for our pal to my right. take a look. one of your very, very favorites. scarlet. >> can you do it? >> oh. >> try this finger.
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go. magma. >> magma. >> and, boy, who could forget this one? maybe the greatest of all-time. >> you did not. >> yes. >> you did not. >> very special. take a look at them. >> yay. here they go. come on. hi-ya. >> hi-ya. >> and take that. and take that. >> turn around. get him from behind. like, yes. oh, i love -- oh. and again. >> come on, robin. come on. >> hi-ya. >> thank you. a beautiful gift. all multivitamins give me the basics.
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good morning, news time now 7:56. still no sign this morning of a man who went missing while boating in middle river. the coast guard suspended its search last night for sherman walden. he and some pals were on a boat tuesday in frog mortar creek. he jumped into the water to help two women who appeared to be in trouble. the women were rescued but walden never resurfaced. he was an excellent swimmer and they can't understand what happened. time new for a check of the -- now for a check of the forecast with lynette. >> charlie we are dealing with plenty of sunshine out here in bethesda. and that will be the name of the game as we go through the rest of today. make sure you get out there and enjoy it. plenty of blue skies. 66 degrees right now. with that dew point at 61 so we
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will be nice and comfortable this morning. the hour by hour forecast, well, it's 70 degrees this morning, by lunchtime 83 8:00 8 degrees with plenty of sunshine into the afternoon and the seven someday forecast brings a -- day forecast brings a few clouds and showers into sunday. a check now of the abc2 timesaver traffic with lauren cook. good morning. good morning lynette. we have several accidents trouble on 795 where there's a crash along the southbound lanes of the beltway. and there's another accident right on the beltway. it's on the outer loop and it has shut down the ramp to hol lands ferry road. you'll notice travel moving slowly. a crash on 95 the northbound lanes at washington boulevard and if you are heading into the city expect many roads closed downtown. light street and pratt street. all due to the grand prix. complete list is found on and get ready for katie couric's new show here on abc2. it begins airing every day beginning at 4:00 beginning september the 10th. afterward you can watch abc2
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news at 5:00 and 6:00 with jamie and kelly. back to new york for "good morning america." we're back in 25 minutes with for news, weather and traffic -- more news, weather and traffic. ♪
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♪ as always, a wonderful crowd. people who take the time to share their mornings with us, on this beautiful late summer morning in new york city. >> you saw that ribbon above in a crowd, messages of support for our robin roberts. >> i was looking at the people. >> there they are. >> i hit a homer or something? >> and you win. >> and we're not going to trade you. we have no plans to deal. >> no way. >> this is really special for me to be here this morning. we've been saying it. i look over and see my brother-in-law, ron, who is here because my sister is here, as well. ron doesn't get on tv. don't do that, scott. he is a behind-the-scenes kind
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of guy. >> until now. until now. >> thank you, lara. thank you, josh. missing sam in the field, where he needs to be. and of course, george, in tampa, this morning. george, miss you. >> i miss you, too, robin. you should know, everyone is starting to gather here, as well. to give you a little bit of a farewell. as you announced earlier, this is your last morning for a little while here on "gma." and you've been so sensitive to our audience because you know how many questions they have about your treatment. and that's why, in just a little bit, i know your doctor and sister will be joining us in a few minutes, to answer the questions that everyone has on their minds right now. we're also going to tell all of our viewers how to join team robin every day, coming up. >> thank you for that, george. yes. got to get home to mississippi. our beloved mother, the matriarch of our family, 88 years old, has had some health issues recently. and it's gotten to a point that sally ann and i need to get home.
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so, leaving a day early for that. and next week, i start my treatments for bone marrow transplant. as george said, so many asking questions. that's why my sister is over there. my great doctor. they're going to try to get -- my sister, just yesterday, was collecting her stem cells. two days of that. and she's here this morning, looking like that. >> harvesting. >> the gift of life. going to share with others. >> and a lot of people asking, when you will be back. we know you will be back >> as soon as i can. >> this is just a little step away. and everything, hopefully, will smoothly as we can to keep it going in your absence. >> we're not going to lie. it's not going to be like it is when you're here. >> you know what? it is going to be. and i asked them to have this ready. i hope you have it ready, e.o.d. when i'm going on a little speed bump and i need a little oomph, i'm going to think of this very moment. and i know we're going to see
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these moments again. and we're going to have these moments when i come back. and i'm stalling so they can get it. they're trying to get it. keep stalling. you are going to keep the spirit going. you're going to keep the spirit going. do you have it? this is going to be my happy spot. ♪ now we're up in the big leagues ♪ ♪ get my turn at bat you and me, baby ♪ ♪ ain't nothing wrong with that ♪ ♪ moving on up moving on up ♪ >> there's going to be more mornings like that when i'm away. there will be mornings like that when i get back. >> amen to that. >> we tk in sports metaphors a lot, as former athletes at this desk. and you're the team captain. and the team is going to run in your absence because you're never really going to be gone. >> no way. >> i'll be watching you in my jammies.
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what do you say? >> there they are. >> see? george, sam, you know, you're here. >> hey, robin? robin -- >> we always will be with you, every day. >> who's going to be law and order when you're not there? >> yeah. that is -- sometimes, i do send an e-mail to joe every now and then, how are the kids doing? how are the kids? >> with good reason. >> we'll share more of that. but let's get right to the news now. >> yes. let's. we have a lot of news to get to. you saw sam on the gulf coast. tropical storm isaac may be weakening. but that rain does keep falling, and hard. it could amount to over two feet in some areas of the gulf coast. southeast of new orleans, entire neighborhoods are under water. as you see there. 5,000 people are now in shelters, forced from their homes. many had to be rescued from their rooftops, their attics. others are still trapped. and abc's matt gutman is in
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laplace, louisiana, right now. good morning to you, matt. >> reporter: good morning, josh. this is under emergency footing today. all hands on deck. there's 1,500 people trapped. people are calling this their own little katrina. areas that never have seen flooding are totally submerged. people didn't have time to take anything with them. people are walking here barefoot. the water is rising about four inches an hour. the national guard, others, sheriffs, volunteers have been out in force in flat-bottom boats, trying to get the people out of here. big concern is the water is still rising. and very soon, this town might be cut off. josh? >> matt gutman, thank you. we'll be back with sam in new orleans in a while. mitt romney poised to give his biggest speech of his career in tampa. paul ryan set the stage with a
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fiery speech last night. the 42-year-old made a pitch to younger voters, promising to create some 12 million jobs in the next four years. and he vowed to repeal president obama's health care law, saying it's the biggest threat to medicare. meanwhile, in los angeles this morning, parents are commanding answers after an elderly driver backed into a group of elementary students. the driver, who turns 101 next week, says his brakes failed. the police say he may have hit the gas instead of the brake. nine children were injured, four seriously. and some dramatic video out of philadelphia. a shooting caught in full view of this surveillance camera. the suspect fired several times from the suv you see there parked at the bottom of the screen. the victim ran away, grazed in the shoulder. police are asking for the public's help tracking down the shooter. again, take another look at that suv. again, the victim escaped with just a grazed shoulder. meanwhile, being called one of the largest settlements being connected to the financial
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crisis of 2008, citigroup has agreed to pay $590 million to settle a lawsuit which claim the bank misled investors about the extent of its dealings in subprime mortgage debt. and finally, some rather unconventional love. an exciting proposal made at the republican convention had nothing to do with politics. that's the rnc production manager, popping the question to his girlfriend on the convention stage. spelling out on the jumbotron. when you press the buttons on the technology, you get to do it. and thankfully, the crowd did cheer as she said, you betcha. >> congratulations to them. wonderful. >> that's a great segue. i thank you for that. without even knowing. as if. >> my gift. let's get right into a "pop news" for the ages. >> oh, my goodness. >> and we begin with breaking "pop news" today. grammy winner adele, reportedly
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off the market. where is the bell? ding. thank you. she married simon kineckie, as recently as this morning in london. just happened. a source telling "the daily mail," that adele wore a, quote, classic dress. and simon looked smart and joyous. no other details about the wedding has been released. it's been a big summer. they will soon be rolling in the diapers. thank you very much. they are expecting their first child this fall. know.eaking "pop news." more news, robin. superstar singer, taylor swift, has decided to speak now. >> go ahead. >> i'm going to ding myself. about her new album, "red." she tells "rolling stone" magazine, she went through a rollercoaster during her relationships. she knows general things about love. how to treat people well, when to walk away. other than that, love is a total
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mystery to her. writing hits, no mystery at all. the first single off of "red," "we are never, ever getting back together," she was very clear on that one, has shattered records in his first week alone. the album hits stores october 22nd. and she'll be on "gma." >> i'll be watching between my toes, just like this in my bed. go, taylor, go. >> singing just for you. and finally, josh showed this to me yesterday. he and i have not stopped smiling. hope it does the same for you and for you. look at these identical twin girls. they're sharing a bond like no other. including the exact same dance moves. their dad posted this on youtube. and check it out. he plays guitar. and they can't stop. ♪ >> adorable. >> except maybe to eat. >> so happy. >> pure happiness. everybody, that is a smiling "pop news." >> beautiful.
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well done, lara spencer. thank you very much. let's get back, now, to sam in new orleans. sam? >> hey, good morning, everyone. robin, josh, lara. by the way, we've got to deliver some news about this rainfall that's been in the area. now, we've told you in the headlines it's been 36 hours of drenching rain. this may be the first break we've had since this storm made landfall. look at how much rain has fallen in the last -- there's plenty of areas, anywhere from 12 to 15-inch line. and 15 inches-plus. now, look at how much rain will fall as we go through the next 48 hours. we're looking at what could be in those same areas, another 3 to 6 inches, another 6 to 12 inches of rain. so, we know this flooding will continue. and it's going to continue to be a problem for the folks that are in the middle of it now. quick look at the high pressure that delivers gorgeous
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>> and we're live in new orleans, all morning long. now, back to new york and robin and josh. >> thanks, sam. you are missed. coming up, robin's journey. everything you want to know about what's ahead. her doctor and sister here, answering questions. and how you can join team robin. of course, that's a team we're all already on. introducing ethan allen express.
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antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. simple pleasures shouldn't hurt. talk to your doctor about cymbalta. depression hurts. cymbalta can help.
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about a journey. tomorrow, i will take my leave of absence from "gma," to address my mds. this is my final morning for a while. there's a quote that really resonates with me. life provides losses and heartbreak for all of us. but the greatest tragedy is to have the experience and miss the meaning. i am determined not to miss that meaning because through it, i've discovered that i have been given many gifts. gifts that will carry me through this difficult time. >> robin shared some news with us a little while back that she will share with all of you. >> sometimes cancer treatment can lead to other serious medical issues. and that's what i'm facing right now. on june 11th, i shared with everyone my latest journey. it's something that is called mds, milo plastic syndrome.
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my diagnosis of a rare disease. a disease i could barely pronounce. and my need for a bone marrow transplant. thankfully, my eldest sister, sally ann, is a perfect match. she's going to be my donor. giving me the gift of life. >> i just want this to work. i mean, this has got to work. >> reporter: sally ann had to endure countless tests. how did it go? >> easy. >> reporter: and doctor visits in preparation for a donation of bone marrow. are you scared? >> no. i'm not scared. i'm not scared. i know i've been asked that many times. but i just -- i don't feel any fear about the procedure. i'm looking forward to, when this is all over, going back to my old diet. >> reporter: that's another thing. our diets have been a little bit --
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>> yeah. >> reporter: when you're eating a cheeseburger, that means, i'm eating a cheeseburger. what goes into you, will go into me. >> i pray for three things for my sister, robin. i pray for robin to have supernatural strength, supernatural wisdom, and supernatural favor. and i want to be here to celebrate robin's 90th birthday because that would make me 98. >> reporter: that's sister sally. it's also bonding moments that's meant so much to me. doctor's appointments and car rides to and from the hospital. a shoulder to lean on. and the gift of family. it's the bumps that are going to be happening in the next few weeks. i don't want to be sick again. i've been sick. i don't feel sick right now. i don't want to be sick again. i don't want to be bald again. i don't want to be throwing up again. and then, i get very, like, listen to you. i don't want to, i don't want
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to, i don't want to. you will live? yeah, i want to live. >> we must keep our vision on your healing. we must focus like a laser on that. we cannot allow our mind to go hither and yon, and thinking, what could happen? no. we st't that what got you in trouble t makes me smile. n-. theyggt idols. heviim t allcheck out you can eele ad day t on your way down sou. >> yes.v we are damaging your cells beyond recognition. chemotherap. >> oh. >> yes.ouit i'm going to have chemotherapy, they said >> yes.ouit i'm going bethesda at >> rob wordng when yo workout today. dry r friend. does it friend.baggy shirts ♪
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ng us thet her blood type. you won't get her taste for music. >> reporter: that's a relief.est >>iped out you wecheck l the afternoon. let's get a check now temperatu the wednesday, you went through the collection life you will get her blood type. you won't get her taste for music. >> reporter: that's a relief. promises, promises. with the knowledge in how ar people in forecast roboz. happen. >> everyone wants to know noormo you went throuwear. life you went throuwear. we hm going to get back asoo fr my friendsi'm going to be with . that make it a joy tor bone andd g venette. we are dein bil now asralets we
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chemotherapy. protection. the light of god surrounds me. my ess >> reporter: the power of god protects ey planned be a speci yoon this thursday. students at perry hall now woget lady rised it wasn't that difficult.. no, the journey ahead will not be easy. but i'm going to focus on all these beautiful gifts. isaac. and i'm sister conversati really b so, thyoatur eyes ♪ and my oncologist, dr. gail roboz. yoays ost for ♪ga because itwant to talk aboutd. h i want to start with sis first.. that you went through the collection process. >> yes. fm not going tothursday. >> saturdu'll nevht now at have yo people in my community who are i >> through isaac. and new orleans. and i am praying arsuffer right now as a
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result ofaccidents. er feeling sot.good, i'm cang when yoou say, air >> we're tryg ay on my station. so, that's what people need to my stories for and to10. mi, t whole way you have surpd there was no real doing. and i' not all chemotherapies let y gr that. i know w all right to yo conversatito mlk. you. t the what has ow." ♪ ook from h roting in this sea my patients out there, ands. this, are saying, how did i get this? to i didn't get chemotherapy.
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>> i went through pretreat with you. catheter, swim s seat, around, figure anything like that.d people rem onmorning,ain. air. it dwithfor in keep it real, i surprised it wasn't that r, r boa y,gift for rk? ial.eier cut tat.e, peing, says it's notit's not su. this is a journey. can you people understand ahea. system.en some of tand there's . i i know you through the find wad's race u wouldn't know we w
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wethey're i'm going thmmer we n- >> the first 100 >> i loving the first 30 is ngou at thatoing to see a lot of oh, my goodnes blood and >> ys to protect your system until you're up andou soa running again.en m not going to ask you when ito put ame you. on it. back asoostepping toarer time.i'm going to be with youny. >> younew tand diane? treatment, you're a dream team. let thl ll at 69
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bit f sunshine. as all.t a the ravee mo to it facebook game. orecast wanting to y you do it♪ th's the afternoon. g. 's get a charto move street ft of ave. to expect america." have afor you., weather and tr hol lands ferry road. the area th you know how to have abecause a do leave yourself some extra time. and thernew tato watch out fo o
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lakewood avenu this is keis , j for a is unut omth mlk to pa loat tonight and also can be found on hen you , more ricki lake joined b at. rs eep on goi discomfort t were me ae. love orge, you cially mif >> good mo i don't t be♪
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>> thank y us the gift of we heard y ♪ when you'. ♪ you let go i'll h ♪ when pyo be her >> opr. of alf hour, robin'ssage for all of us, as she begins her leave. e ft we're g watch thng all oh.table >> i'm to bit're goiack as♪ s canow howal een doing rtan eep on goi'll be theou put dese mave, gett better.>> i'm veryou e happen r th. >> and we arthe afternoon ciall. here. togeally.
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let surprise e.all to this because ? ng. hearing c.septembeou're go>> myr the surgerre gether anthem, to >> we ot to ge
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>> we ot to ge >>th >> robin, i would warm it up fo♪ ♪ and i maybe i'll pass , tom.he airporow, with le he plenty of n that's going to take the rain with it.outh for a d from en some of ty da yohat. ♪ w lara? >> thank y ♪
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ricki lake. ♪ow what i love us. ki lak show." it dember 10 pyo be herta all me anr.o let ch a fanow september 1st in hanover. owings mill at 69 degrees and kent island th beach this morning. beautiful sunrise and plenty of sunshine. as we go through the mornin continue even ife do leave special day.head through h topics.ome you'coes just collar eas of wei your dea "dancing when ind diane?well, i
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cook. i'm ersonali. an it wasur sney.d i feeled to v in the afternoon. we're moms.into balso, george, urwn boxes. we don >> theet's face it. makrighwant to have a nversati , martina,h it . ♪ when yo we me
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and mostly ye afternoon. has t ♪ and sai ♪ we doesn't singt i fe♪ she made eier cut t as your journey begi>> tears ofe
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abc2han and mostly need wow. you real with lauren o> well, . you .of kleenex on our >> we al. we don't sha atitudnd of liith er a ♪ and sai
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us. >> each and every day, and hopee.the videfore youn read our messu. bu we'll be wou all.y stepin, you'a we are team robin, as is everyone. evrner' los is beautiful [ >> for everyhis on. oh, my ghip they're real messa li handwritten. >> yes. >> ther ange there they are. >> caitlin, darcmany of thes th challenges in life wow. you reas i'll be strong ♪ police commerci you continue to inspire me. i th martina mcbride coming up, t
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you ha bugh a and you'ng you all right and i ack dou are miiane, i kno making thank you in my heart. ♪ be there to like they're not busy enou i will be back, so you k that y justalso tomorrow. th were givit.emembereie. th >> i'm through with the tears, i she's right over there, getting ready. she's going to sing a song that we know and love. thbrought her out. martina mcbride with "i'm gonna love you te ouyou ♪" >> thank you, martina. ♪ she dropped the phone and burst into tears ♪ ♪ the doctor just ♪ cancer don't te great or care if you're just 38 ♪
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♪ with three kids who need ymaking a differenc ♪ he said, i know that you're afraid ♪ be alone, too ♪ when you're weak i'll♪ ♪ w i'll hold on ♪ ♪ when you need to cry me.ferry road. i swear that i'll ♪ thnate 10 ceery lid, up to $2.5l o ♪ when you feel lost and scared to death ♪t take one more step ♪ ♪ just take my hand ♪ i'm gonna ♪ kleenex aove the indy♪ when you love you through it ♪ lause ]r doing that. i'm alystime. an it wasur sney.d specialy fine ♪ caught itime ♪ake than they pla ♪ now, it's forced smiles and irts there near ♪orced smiles
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♪ to hide what the cancer took from her ♪ ♪ but feel like a woman again ♪y. ♪ she said, i don't think i can do this anymore ♪ ♪ he took her in his arms ♪ ure topping off atith general mill my love is ♪ when you' wk e. the vide i'll hold on ♪ ♪ when you need to cry i swear that i'll dry your eyes ♪ ♪ when you feel los ♪ like you can't take one more step ♪ ♪ just take my hand the gre together, we can do it ♪ ♪ i'm gonna moments.>> thank it ♪ ♪ oh, baby
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yeah ♪ ♪ and gets too long ♪ ♪ i'll be the rockhome, i lowana i'm gonna love you throug all love you throu [ cheers and applause ] >> come on over. ybody.ody. everybody. everybody. over here. oh.e mohave you met josh? need essing today. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> martina, you are just -- you are just amazing. i felt like i was loving you
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through it. i'm thinking of everybody else, hourto get earlie you made a special effort to be you and your entiry, your band, that i've gotten to know over the years. i know you were suppbe in biloxi, mississippi, if the weather holds out, on your tour. i hope that t. >> robin, you've been such aof . it's inspireme doing things to raise money and awareness for breastaming up wi mills es campaign.s that going to work? send them in, or enter a code online. >> in it's spos this morning, pnt. tof their this morning. they'll donate 10 cents fod, up. th pink lids. you can thesentationhem off or i know you are very committed to making a difference. the video, i'll tellatest gift. de me feel like a rock star. >> you are a rock st >> no.
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you kn it came i did the i drove the indy pace car. and i know after this latest journey, it'an't believeg more . as i share in the video, faith, family and frieand just how you, martina, know a lot of people are looki how they feel about the song and how it's helped them. at? >> i hear so many stories about how this is theiy. you know? they just realhis song. i feel like i'm singing it so many people. >> i was privileged to have you singing it for me today. martina mcbride. >> it's a journey that bs in moments.'ll be right>> thankspe,
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the european for yummy. collar at 6:30. al
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unfortunately bin, as is fr and so, down to the [ >> i can't them. and you have a lot of friends. thank you.ds s is you. e you later. see you soon.
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i'll get back as soon as i c when i look down and see these -- you can get this on be the we have such a request for these wristbands. when i look down and i see people wearing them, as i've seen you all. but it's what yoramp res me. , my family there at home, i love youee you soon.nd s íúlight morning at tonight and st. lohere's th hello to the
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pr now r s to wri l how to get te bit ese frie news time now 8:26. plenty ursday. toies .e students at perry hall now working hard to ga thankof bowo right p.j.s's f the 17-year-ol tonight in tampa. the check of the fore once again and saynd me the
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ven e southwest co roll call. that was at 6:30. also going to brkfast meeting with the ime city chamber of commerce. also this morning the ravens hae more preseason
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news time nosome stories fo st. louis against the rams. but here's what you know. kickoff has been moved from 8:the original accommodate for mitt romney's speech this thursday morng police tonight in tampa. commlrercidy up and working in the community. the check of the fore anthony in the southwest district. ayce again and s he was there smiling lynett nd me in annapolis this morning, plenty of sunshine and get out there and you can see it on day to take that boat out. we're going to see more of this even into the afternoon and e t so 77 degrees. and we are going to be dealing on the light side this morning. they'll be shifting maybe to t look what we by hour forecas as we head ththroday, 9:00, right ound 74 degreeme and mostly sunny and that temperatthe timesaver traffic with lauren cook. good morning. with big problems out on one on the oute
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charles street and another one on the oute abc2loop at the ramp ferry road the delays rigwill e same rner' long the northbou lanes approaching g the southbo ry. i wish her well and speedy there near the be grand causing big your rateful to be here thbroug. problems in downtown baltimore for a complete list of the closures just go totito go to s,we'll see justi'll hol want to talk on making it ycoming t>> my old yofou tor "good morning maryland." i dipoint of v back ll wearing owill through, hcome back hands k to women i, moreuci'm going t.
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